From the early days of sitting on desktop computer with a pirated version of Photoshop, I’ve always loved graphic design and how thoughtful design can communicate anything simply and elegantly.
Today, I focus on creating human-centered and accessible experiences for brands that make the world a better place. I like the challenge of creating beautiful, well-functioning products for people who don't usually get that. Every detail matters to me — from how easily a user signs into a site, to the copywriting within an email sent to them, to the perfect kerning of typography.
I play squash several times a week when my arthritic knee allows it; my team even won the 2018 Howe Cup, a women’s amateur national tournament.
I am currently a digital nomad and have spent the past two years traveling and exploring new cultures by working remotely all around the world with my partner. My first international adventure was a solo trip to Southeast Asia when I was 20.
You can usually catch me baking sourdough bread and chunky granola and cooking everything in the Six Seasons cookbook.
I work with incredibly talented software engineers and agencies like Pine Works to make my designs come to life, which includes: